First Real Date: To Kiss or Not to Kiss? That is the Question

Before we go deeper into this controversial topic, you have to know what kissing is. Well, kissing is defined as a touch of the lips to show feelings such as love, sexual desire, reverence or a simple greeting. Some define it as a natural display of emotions or an act of intimacy.

Kisses ranges from a simple peck on the cheeks to passionate “French kissing” – a kiss with the use of the tongue. With regards to French kissing, it is believed that when two people have an inexplicable desire for each other, it causes ranging hormones to be released into the blood stream which induces a sense of euphoria that is fed through the sweetness of lovers’ mouths.

You’ve got to admit that a kiss makes you feel alive – it even makes you feel that there are some butterflies in your stomach and sends shivers up to the spine. Ingrid Bergman once quoted that “a kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” I completely agree with this. When words are not enough, a kiss is by far, is the best way to express every cloaked emotion and forgives every misdemeanor act.

So, Should you Kiss on Your First Offline Date?

Dating online can be quite nerve-racking. How much more when you meet your date personally for the very first time? It intensifies the emotions you’ve got, especially when kissing comes into mind. So, should you go for a kiss? If you do, the tipping point will be – will your date return the kiss or pull back?

Daunting, right? Ok, let’s first talk about the first date in the “real world” perse, which is pretty different from dating online. In most traditional dating, you might have met the person you will be going out with, except if it is a blind date. Nevertheless, when it comes to kissing someone on the first “real date” after an online match can be quite inappropriate. However, this comes with a big BUT. If there is a chemistry between the two of you and the sparks are really flying, then go for it. Go for that kiss!

A Little Caveat

Before you go for the kiss, you must find a way to know whether or not your date is ready for it. It is a simple case of aversion. Your date might like you, but that doesn’t mean that the person would like to kiss you on the first offline date. The concept of online dating that quickly transitions to a real thing can be a shock for some people. Moreover, there are some individuals, ladies in particular who have some kind of a rule: “no kiss on the first date”. For these reasons, you have to be careful, otherwise you might ruin a potential loving relationship.

I don’t want to ruin your enthusiasm about the first kiss. There are just some instances that you have to be aware of the whole circumstances before doing a thing. You can trust your instinct when it comes to this. If it really feels right and you see signs that you are both ready for that kiss, like I said – go for it. Go for that kiss!

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